Resep: Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat Lengkap

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Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat. Fragrant basmati rice is topped with chicken pieces cooked in a tomato sauce with aromatic spices, and garnished with toasted slivered almonds in Serve Al Kabsa with a fresh mixed cucumber, carrot, lettuce, and tomato salad -- preferably with a little lime vinaigrette. Some fresh pita bread on the side. The spices, rice and meat may be augmented with almonds, pine nuts, onions and sultanas.

Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat This is an ancient technique, whereby meat is. Kabsa (Arabic: كبسة‎ kabsah) is a mixed rice dish that originates from Saudi Arabia but is commonly regarded as a national dish in many Arab states of the Persian Gulf. This is my meat (lamb) version of Al Kabsa / Kabsah. Kamu dapat memasak Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat menggunakan 22 bahan dan 4 langkah. Pelajari cara membuat Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat secara lezat.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan membuat Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat :

  1. Kabsa spices mix :.
  2. 1 sdt bubuk bawang putih.
  3. 1 sdt lada putih.
  4. 1 sdt kunyit bubuk.
  5. 1 sdt kayu manis bubuk.
  6. 1 sdt paprika bubuk.
  7. 1 sdt all spice powder.
  8. 3 sdt bubuk kari/curry powder.
  9. 3 biji kapulaga.
  10. Untuk nasi kabsa :.
  11. semua bahan kabsa spices diatas.
  12. 2-3 cups beras basmati (saya pake beras biasa).
  13. 1 bawang bombay, iris.
  14. Secukupnya potongan wortel.
  15. 1 sdt tomato paste.
  16. 1 cube chicken stock/kaldu ayam bubuk.
  17. raisins/kismis (optional).
  18. Untuk merebus daging :.
  19. 250-500 gr daging potong kotak2.
  20. 2 irisan jeruk nipis.
  21. 1 batang kayu manis.
  22. 2-3 daun salam.

Drain, rise under running water then drain well. Add butter to a large stock pot or casserole, fry the onion, pepper, carrot & spices. Kabsa is usually made with basmati rice, meat, vegetables, and a mixture of spices. One can say that the most important ingredient in the Kabsa is the mixture of spices; they are after all responsible for the dishes distinctive taste.

Instruksi membuat Kabsa Spices + Rice, Saudi rice with Meat

  1. Gabungkan semua bahan menjadi di 1 mangkuk untuk membuat kabsa spices. Setelah sudah, rebus daging bersamaan dengan irisan jeruk nipis, batang kayu manis, dan daun salam.
  2. Sambil merebus, di kompor sebelah tumis irisan bawang bombay sampai wangi. Lalu masukkan daging yang telah direbus, dan taburi semua bahan kabsa spice. Aduk sampai rata, tambahkan air supaya larut sedikit demi sedikit..
  3. Tambahkan potongan wortel, stelah kurang lebih 3 menit (sampai wortel empuk) tambahkan 1 sdt tomato paste dan aduk kembali. Tambahkan air sesuai selera ya. Setelah semua bumbu tercampur rata dengan daging, siapkan basmati rice yang sudah dicuci bersih di rice cooker. Lalu masukkan semua bumbu yang telah dimasak kedalam (Seperti masak nasi biasa ya bun sist tambahkan air, aduk supaya bumbu rata meresap ke beras) dan tambahkan raisins/kismis.
  4. Masak di rice cooker sampai matang. Jika sudah matang, serve bersamaan dengan kacang pistachio atau almond. Yummy!.

The spices used in the traditional kabsa are usually black pepper, cloves. Kabsa is a spicy chicken and rice dish very popular in Saudi Arabia. It is a rice dish cook along with different kinds of meat and other spices. Chicken Machboos (Bahraini Spiced Chicken and Rice) replace garlic with garlic infused oil and spring onion for onion and you have a low fodmap dish. Kabsa is a chicken and rice main course dish that is popular not just in Saudi Arabia but across the Arab world.