Moussaka Arabian Style yang Lengkap

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Moussaka Arabian Style. The better-known Greek dish Moussaka is made with spiced ground lamb, eggplant, tomato and crust topped with a creamy Bechamel sauce. However, in the Arab Mediterranean, Moussaka is prepared as shown in this recipe. The very word "moussaka" is not Greek in origin, but rather Arabic.

Moussaka Arabian Style INGREDIENTS : minced chicken minced onion minced garlic bell pepper Potato Eggplant Shredded tomato. This fall I've been using every excuse to use my oven and keep the house warm! For those of you that don't know, moussaka is a layered dish mainly composed of egglpant aubergine, tomato sauce, and minced meat. Kamu dapat membuat Moussaka Arabian Style menggunakan 19 bahan dan 8 langkah. Simak cara membuat Moussaka Arabian Style yang praktis.

Bahan yang dibutuhkan memasak Moussaka Arabian Style :

  1. 3 buah kentang uk sedang.
  2. 1 buah terong ungu.
  3. 100 g daging giling.
  4. 6 siung bawang putih, dicincang halus.
  5. 6 butir bawang merah, diiris tipis.
  6. 3 sdm saus tomat.
  7. 3 buah tomat uk.sedang, diblender.
  8. 1/2 gelas air panas.
  9. 1 buah tomat, diiris bulat.
  10. 1 buah bawang bombay.
  11. Bumbu kering.
  12. 1 sdt garam.
  13. 1 sdt merica bubuk.
  14. 1 sdt jinten bubuk.
  15. 1 sdt cabe bubuk.
  16. 1/2 sdt gula.
  17. 1/2 sdt kunyit bubuk.
  18. 1/2 sdt kayumanis bubuk.
  19. 1/2 sdt kaldu jamur.

Greek Moussaka recipe - Prepare the vegetables. The base for a traditional Greek moussaka is most commonly fried eggplants. Some moussaka recipes also use sliced potatoes, so if you like potatoes, try adding a layer of sliced potatoes as the first layer to this amazing dish for some extra comfort during the winter months. When you mention the word moussaka, the first thing that jumps to mind is the Greek gratin style moussaka, but do you know that the word moussaka in, Arabic, literally means chilled?

Instruksi membuat Moussaka Arabian Style

  1. Dipotong sesuai selera kentang dan terong lalu digoreng dan disisihkan..
  2. Ditumis bawang merah dan bawang putih yang sampai harum. Lalu dimasukkan daging giling, dimasak sampe berubah warna..
  3. Ditambahkan bumbu kering, lalu tomat yg diblender dan saus tomat. Diaduk rata..
  4. Ditambahkan air panas, dimasak hingga mengental dan kuah agak menyusut. Dimatikan kompor..
  5. Ditata dalam loyang, kentang dan terong yang digoreng. Disiram dengan sebagian daging..
  6. Lalu ditata tomat iris bulat dan bawang bombay dan disiram lg dengan sisa daging. Ditutup dengan aluminum foil..
  7. Dipanggang suhu 200°C selama 20 menit. Diangkat dan dibuka tutup aluminium foilnya..
  8. Sajikan 🤤🤤🤤.

With that said, now it makes sense to know that the leftovers of the Lebanese moussaka would taste great out of the fridge too; and it makes sense too, that most. Also, if possible, have a friend/child/spouse on hand to help you out. I have tried several recipes for Moussaka but this is the. However, it is quite different from the Greek moussaka; a casserole made with layers of eggplant, béchamel, and meat. Moussaka is an Arabic word that means chilled.